Sunday, July 10, 2011

my attention span used to be so good.

Am I the only person who ever feels like she used to be smarter and more on the ball? None of this multitasking! Let's blame television? I do watch so much more television and movies than I did in high school or even college. And let's not forget I am a multitasker by profession.

i did fail today. Not because of the multitasking but because I broke the three drink rule. It was a lovely convivial evening in tremont last night, and because I broke the three drink rule, I was too tired and overheated to go to the beach today to celebrate a birthday. Selfish behavior! I am selfish. Everybody should be a little selfish, doesn't hurt to think of one's self, and I know if I had dragged myself out to the beach, I would have fallen asleep and gotten a crazy bad sunburn, which would have only been the second of the summer.

I say here and now, I will find a way to recompense for selfishness! Maybe an evening out with boozy fruit drinks?

And speaking of low attention span: I have never liked the song "Razzle, Dazzle'em" from the musical Chicago. Especially with a slow tempo, if the whole point is that you're giving them a big show, and therefore no one will notice the substance if the show is enough, why are you slowing down the song?

galo out! Big day of cleaning and working on the yard tomorrow.

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